Currently, Amy Jo is working on a collaborative documentary and is writing a play about a community of mermaids charged with sustaining their own traditions while protecting the ocean from modern threats... she is seeking ocean-loving mermaid-invoking collaborators for her next production. When shes not invoking merfolk or painting her toes, she quite enjoys playing her bass. |
KT Pinto has just moved back to the city from a town upstate known as the seventh circle of hell and is excited to be a part of Slither. While trying to get her adult horror series published, KT sells ungrateful people car parts. In her spare time, she hangs out with friends, both in the real world and in cyber-space, reads more than can possibly be healthy, and belly-dances. She can be reached at or you can read her blog at |
Deeluxe was born in a Sugarfinger Erotica at WOW Cafe Theater, Deeluxe has performed at WOW, La Mama, CBGB Galleryand Meow Mix. After taking a year off while studying Opera at Brooklyn College's Conservatory of Music. Deeluxe is returning to the stage to get some love-dough for WOW. |