Development Workshop of a new original play by Sophia Valera Heinecke, Directed by Tatiana Baccari. Set in Forks, Washington, during the height of the Twilight craze in 2012, New Nostalgias moves through the day with Lara, a Quilleute Indigenous American diner waitress and ex-con, Serena, a lonely fridge fixer, and a genderless Blockbuster Employee who also happens to be a vampire. An interactive play that utilizes music, projection, and sensory stimulation of memory, New Nostalgias explores the complexity of memory tied to media and asks: will humanity and nature always be at odds?
Don't miss this puppet show! A clown, a knight, and a little girl. Join these characters as they explore a world full of magic and mystery, friendship and missed connections. Intended for all ages and includes some audience interaction.